
Mymp – Especially For You

I wanna let you know what
I was Going through
All the time we were apart
I thought Of you
You were in my heart
My love never changed
I still feel the same

Especially for you
I wanna tell you
I was feeling that Way too
And if dreams were wings,
you Know I would have flown to you
To be where you are
No matter how far
And now that I’m next to you

No more dreaming about
Tomorrow Forget the loneliness and the sorrow
I’ve got to say
It’s all because of you
And now were back together,
Together I wanna show
you my heart is oh so true
And all the love I have is Especially for you

Especially for you
I wanna tell you,
you mean all the world to me
How I’m certain that our love was
Meant to be You changed my life
You showed me the way
And now I’m next to you

I’ve waited long enough to find you
I wanna put all the hurt behind you
And I wanna bring out the love Inside you,
oh and Now were back together,
together I wanna show you my heart is oh so true
And all the love I have is Especially for you

You were in my heart
My love never changed
And now that I’m next to you
No more dreaming about Tomorrow
Forget the loneliness and the Sorrow
I’ve got to say It’s all because of you

* yaap that's all, I love this song very much

keep follow me guys @NovitaAfifah



hem I know this is too late to say but,
Annive 3 months

I wish that we have more patience in the relationship, not get into a trouble and longlasting andIhopeyouwillcomebacklikebefore *hem forget it

*keep follow me @NovitaAfifah


baca aja

halo readers, hem barusan aja gue baca blog orang (gak nyebutin nama ya hehe) bukan sekedar baca postingan nya, gue juga konsen ngedalamin dan merefleksikan postingan itu. sekarang gue jadi bener bener merasa bersyukur, emang ya masih banyak banget kekurangan dalam hidup gue. tapi gue tau kok Tuhan itu adil, gue punya keluarga yg cukup sayang sama gue, gue punya sahabat yg bener bener ada di saat gue senang dan membutuhkan mereka.
Gue bener bener bersyukur punya sahabat kaya mereka, gue sayang sama mereka, gue gatau apa yg ada di otak mereka yg bisa bikin gue ketawa ngakak disaat gue sedih. yg udah ngasih apa artinya persahabatan. walaupun gue sering marah marah sama mereka, gue sering sensi sama mereka cuma gara2 hal sepele tapi mereka masih tetep mau "minta maaf" ke gue padahal menurut gue itu salah gue semoga itu bukan cuma basa basi ya. bagi gue mereka itu sahabat bahkan lebih. gue harap mereka juga nganggap itu ke gue.

trims byebye :*
follow me @NovitaAfifah


lying :p

Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: 18 f us
You: you?
Stranger: 19 m holland
Stranger: how are you?:)
You: fine, hbu?
Stranger: im good 2
Stranger: kinda bored xD
You: great
You: yes me too
You: what are you doing?
Stranger: thats why im here :)
Stranger: chattin with you atm:P
Stranger: you?
You: yes, me also
You: are you student of senior high school? or a collager?
Stranger: student high school
Stranger: im 19 ^^
Stranger: almost done
Stranger: you?
You: oh I see
You: yes I'm also a student of senior high
Stranger: cool
Stranger: hobbys ?:)
You: hm watchin movie, hbu?
Stranger: xD movies and music
You: yeah
You: What movie is the best you've ever seen?
Stranger: american beauty
You: oh I have never seen it
You: how about Avatar?
Stranger: you should its a good movie
Stranger: i really hate avatar but i love the 3d effects
You: oh okay
Stranger: pointless story:P
You: why?
Stranger: i watched it in the cinema
Stranger: but i really didnt like it
You: oh
You: maybe that's why Avatar didn't get Oscar trophies
Stranger: thats what i mean:)
Stranger: american beauty won 5 i think
You: hmmm
Stranger: you still here?
You: yes of course

HAHAHA najesss boong dikit layaawww



hello buddies, gue pengen ngucapin
Happy Birthday yaaaa M.Fikri Pawitra, Hani Amirah, Muthia Farah Andini
wish you all the best yaps semoga wishes kalian terkabul amiiiin ;DD
ini foto foto nya ------>

*mukanya Ana gak banget haha canda naaa

Nice Pict yapssss

ini di McD waktu ulang tahun Muthia (1Maret2010)

Me w/ Birthday Girl and also with Bumblebee :D

Ini Hafizh sama Eben

makasih juga yaaa buat PU dan teraktiran kalian hahaha. segini aja ya post nya badan gue lagi gak enak bot nih-__-
salam juga buat lekong yg waktu itu di McD ya hehe *upssss
keep follow me guys @NovitaAfifah
byebyeeee, love<3